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Select Tool Identify Circle Square Freehand HELP BOX - Select by:
Different options are available; Circle, Square, Freehand. Circle and Square options begin and end with a single click. Freehand option is ended by a double click or clicking on the start point. To modify click the edge/vertex and drag. Vertices can be removed with a single click while holding down Shift Key.
Measure Tool None Length(LineString) Area(Polygon) Length + Area HELP BOX - Measure:
The measurement tool can be used to measure either distance or area. A single click adds a vertex to the shape being drawn and use a double click to finish.To modify, click the edge/vertex and drag. Vertices can be removed with a single click while holding down Shift Key.
Set measure units
Metric (m/km/hectares)
Imperial (yards/miles/acres)

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